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Herbal Treatment for Asthma

By : Ms. Alice Kunjachan, Idukki, Kerala

Innovation Description

The traditional knowledge holder has suggested treatment for asthma.
Disease symptoms: Breathing problem, chest pain, breathlessness. 
Ingredients: 5-10 g fruits of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) and  5-6 leaves of (Justicia adhatoda L.).
Preparation: Collect, wash and fry both the plants part. Boil these fried parts in 500 ml of water to prepare a decoction. 
Dosage/Application: Consume 100 ml of prepared decoction at an interval of 15 min thrice daily for 3 days.    
Ingredients availability: The plants are available in nearby places.

Suggested Reading(s):

Boskabady, M. H., Kiani, S., Azizi, H., & Khatami, T. (2006). Antitussive effect of Cuminum cyminum Linn. in guinea pigs. Natural Product Radiance, 5(4), 266-269.

Gulati, K., Rai, N., Chaudhary, S., & Ray, A. (2016). Chapter 6 - Nutraceuticals in Respiratory Disorders. In R. C. Gupta (Ed.), Nutraceuticals: Efficacy, Safety and Toxicity, (pp. 75–86). Massachusetts/USA : Academic Press.

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