Beyond the boundaries of formal institutions, a large number of individuals in the informal sector have been engaged in innovative technological pursuits of their own. Over the last two decades, the National Innovation Foundation - India (NIF) has been earnestly scouting and documenting such technological ideas and innovations of the people at the grassroots and school students from all parts of the country to identify the novel innovations and practices to be taken forward for incubation.
This portal is an initiative of the NIF to bring into the public domain the database of technological ideas, innovations and herbal knowledge available with it. These innovations pertain to various domains such as agricultural machinery, household gadgets, energy, transport, electronics, and communication, general utility, plant varieties, herbal plant protection practices, herbal veterinary practices, among others.
NIF encourages MSMEs and Entrepreneurs to explore the portal, identify innovations for manufacturing and/or marketing, and get in touch for further discussion. Other visitors such as researchers, readers, etc may relish going through the creative work undertaken by grassroots innovators and school students from all parts of the country.
The traditional knowledge holder has suggested treatment for dysentery. Disease symptoms: Blood in stools, mucus in stools Ingredients: 3 g fresh leaves of Avara (Phyllanthus emblica L.), 3 g fresh leaves of Bel (Aegle… View More
The traditional knowledge holder has suggested treatment for itching. Disease symptoms: Rashes, redness. Ingredients: Neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.).Preparation: Take the concentrated extract of Neem.Dosage/Application: Consume the extract daily.Ingredients' availability: The plant is available in nearby… View More
The traditional knowledge holder has suggested treatment for skin disorders. Disease symptoms: Itching, red spots on skin, hives, allergy, nasal congestion, rashes, watery eyes, swelling, pain. Ingredients: 15 g fruit… View More
The traditional knowledge holder has suggested treatment for ringworm. Disease symptoms: Itchy skin, red ring-shaped rash, redness. Ingredients: 10 fresh leaves of Chilbil (Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch.) Preparation: Crush the… View More
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