Innovation Description
The traditional knowledge holder has suggested treatment for dysentery.
Disease symptoms: Blood and mucus in stools
Ingredients: 50 g dried seeds of Jamun (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels).
Preparation: Grind the seeds to make powder.
Dosage/Application: Consume 10 g of prepared powder with water thrice daily for 1 week.
Ingredients availability: The plant is available in nearby places.
Suggested Reading(s):
Anjali, V., Sindhu,
G., & Girish, C. (2017). A review on pharmacology and phytochemistry of Syzygium
cumini. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research, 5(04),
Ayyanar, M., & Subash-Babu, P. (2012). Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels:
a review of its phytochemical constituents and traditional uses. Asian
Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2(3), 240-246.
Jadhav, V. M., Kamble, S. S., & Kadam, V. J. (2009). Herbal medicine: Syzygium
cumini: a review. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 2(8), 1212-1219.