Innovation Description
traditional knowledge holder has suggested treatment for leucorrhoea.
Disease symptoms: White
discharge of mucus in women, weakness, abdominal pain
Ingredients: 100 g root of
Chidchidi (Achyranthes aspera L.).
Preparation: Collect, wash and crush the roots then add water in it.
Dosage/Application: Consume 100 ml of the prepared mixture twice daily on
an empty stomach for 25 days.
Ingredients' availability: The plant is available in nearby
Suggested Reading(s):
Ripa, M., Rahman, M. I., Hossan, M. S., & Rahmatullah, M. (2018). Achyranthes aspera L.(Amaranthaceae): a plant for treatment of multiple disorders. Asian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 2(2), 28-29.