Innovation Description
The traditional knowledge holder has suggested treatment for piles.
Disease symptoms: Painful lump near the anus, bleeding during defecation.
Ingredients: 2 roots of Kumbhi (
Pontederia crassipes Mart.) and 2 fruit of Golaki (
Piper nigrum L.).
Preparation: Crush and mix both ingredients to prepare the paste.
Dosage/Application: Consume 1 spoon paste mixed in a cup of water in the morning daily for 10 days.
Ingredients' availability: The plants are available in nearby places.
Suggested Reading(s):
Jayanthi, P., Lalitha, P., Sujitha, R., & Thamaraiselvi, A. (2013). Antiinflammatory activity of the various solvent extracts of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. International Journal of PharmTech Research, 5(2), 641-644.
Ladda, R. G., Ambhore, J. S., & Aradwad, R. P. (2013). Studies on identification of traditional medicinal plants used as remedies on piles by traditional practitioners.
International Journal of Science and Nature, 4(1), 212-213.